
High Level Diagram

flowchart TD
    cloud["Public Cloud"]
    homelab["Home Lab"]

    internet --> cloudflare

    cloudflare -->|mTLS| cloud
    cloudflare -->|mTLS| homelab


Cloudflare is leveraged as both a DNS provider and HTTP(s) proxy to services hosted on the Public Cloud and Home Lab. The primary goals of leveraging Cloudflare are the following:

  • DDoS protection for all services, especially those self-hosted via the Home Lab.
  • Home IP address hiding via proxied records
    • aka, proxy HTTP/HTTP(s) from Internet through Cloudflare before getting to Home Lab

Public Cloud

A public cloud provider (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure) is used to host services needed by the Home Lab for various tasks like network booting.

Home Lab

Any and all computer hardware primarily dedicated to self-hosting services, content, and experiments is often referred to as a home lab or home server in the context of a single server.